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Avast Free Antivirus 7 Free Download With Key

Avast Free Antivirus 7 Free Download
Sarmad Zia
Avast Anti-Virus is the perfect antivirus solution for those that surf the web and send emails. It's optimized for Internet Explorer 9 and  with Script shield  The team has added new advanced capabilities not normally seen in anti-virus software and exceeds expectations for a free solution and infect for professional paid solutions.

Avast can scan directly from the command line prompt, includes both Antivirus and Anti-spyware, includes a Boot-time scanner and can also scan files in real-time.

Another standard feature is auto-sandbox which the program will automatically send malicious and/or suspicious files.

This newest version sports a brand new interface and was rated by as a 5.0 for speed, faster than the other top 20 antivirus programs tested, hands down!
From Avast:
Avast! Anti-virus is the perfect antivirus solution for those that surf the web and send emails. It's optimized for Internet Explorer 9 with Script shield  The team has added new advanced capabilities not normally seen in anti-virus software and exceeds expectations for a free solution and infect for professional paid solutions. 
avast! Antivirus Free 2012 7.0.1474 is licensed as Freeware for the Windows operating system / platform without restrictions. avast! Antivirus Free 2012 is available to all software users as a free download..

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