As You know youtube is blocked now a days in pakistan so this software can help you to unblock youtube andwork on youtube and watch your desire videos but use this software for just learning perpouse donot use for other like hacking or any other activities.
Spotflux is devoted to protecting your digital privacy and security anywhere and on any device. Our tiny, but powerful application not only encrypts your internet traffic, it also performs millions of cloud-based, real-time calculations to remove tracking cookies and viruses without slowing your device.
Spotflux harnesses the power of the cloud to conduct millions of realtime checks for invasive tracking, advertisements, malware, and other bugs that pose a threat to your identity or your data.
Our Technology is complex and everevolving. While we work to improve our technology, we encourage our users to enjoy our services free of charge..
How To Use:
Just Simple Install like other softwares when it completely install go to your desktop and double click on your spotflux software a window appear then just simple click on button to Enable connection it takes 10 to 20 second afterthat it will conect securely and enjoy to visit your sites which blocked:)
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