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Haunted [KaOs] Full Rip Game Free Download

Haunted [KaOs] Full Rip Game Free Download
Sarmad Zia
A close voice resounds in the night when Mary suddenly awakes from her nightmare.Since the fateful day of the train accident in which she lost her small sister Emily, Maria fights her way as a street-kid in the lanes of London.At night she is struck by dreams and visions of her sister. Is it possible that Emily is still alive? The thought bothers Mary to the point that she decides to follow the hints in her visions as Mary dives deeper and deeper into a world of supernatural phenomena,she receives unexpected supernatural support during her adventurous trip.Spending time in search of her missing sister, Maria discovers he can see ghosts and understand their language. Gradually collecting the crumbs of the facts, it is getting closer and closer to unravel the mystery of the last terrible secret that is somehow connected with the laboratory of Dr. Lindsay Ashford.

System Requirements:
Core 2 Duo  2.80 GHz
OS: xp/Vista/7/ 
Graphic Card 512 MB (GeForce GTX 560 or better),
Screen Shots:

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