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Folder Highlight Free Download

Folder Highlight Free can change your folders color
Sarmad Zia
Folder Highlight Free Download:
Folder Highlight is a small but powerful tool that changes the visual appearance of the folders in your PC. With Folder Highlight you can quickly change the color of any folder.

Even though Windows already allows you to customize folder icons for this purpose, Folder Highlight is a much easier to use as it integrates into the Explorer right-click menu, so you can quickly mark any folder without having to go through additional dialog.

  • People who want a quick and convenient way to arrange and categorize information stored in their PCs.
  • People who work with a lot of documents and want to improve the efficiency and speed of their work.
  • People who want their operation system to look cleaner and nicer.
Screen Shots:
Right click and select folder-highlight and chose your desire color..

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