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IGI 2 Covert Strike Full Free Download

Sarmad Zia
IGI 2 Covert Strike Full Free Download Now"

In IGI 2, you play as ex-SAS soldier David Jones, a covert operative now working for the fictional Institute for Geotactical Intelligence. You'd never know that at first if you didn't read the box and manual before playing, though. The game itself just throws you into the action without any decent setup or explanations. What exactly is IGI? Who is David Jones? Who knows? Who cares? The attempts at storytelling fall flat throughout the game. This might not have been the problem if IGI 2 were a straightforward action game, but, as your first mission briefing tells you when you start the game, "stealth will be vital." To be fair, IGI 2 at least gives you a visibility meter that gives you a good idea of how easily you can be seen without resorting to guesswork. You can toggle Jones' movement between running and walking, and you can also select from standing, crouching, and prone positions, all of which have an effect on how noticeable you are. 

System Requirements:
Processor:                Pentium III or Athlon 700
RAM:                        128MB RAM
Video Memory:        32MB VRAM
Operating System:    98/Me/XP/VIsta/7
HD Space:                 500 MB


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