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Cleantouch Urdu To Eng & Eng To Urdu Dictionary Full Free Download

Cleantouch Urdu To Eng & Eng To Urdu Dictionary Full Free Download
Sarmad Zia

Cleantouch English To Urdu Dictionary:
Clean-touch is the oldest and the most reputed name in providing English & Urdu dictionaries. Both 70,000+ English to Urdu and 80,000+ Urdu to English meanings have been presented in a simple language and straightforward style so that even the average reader encounters no difficulty in understanding the right meanings. It’s a unique dictionary based on latest Unicode technology, developed using power of Microsoft .NET platform. It has a simple and user friendly interface. It supports wildcard search & all the keyboard accessibility features of Microsoft Windows. Customization section let you configure functionality  fonts & themes. It can be installed on various Windows versions including Windows 7, Vista & XP even on low end systems.

Cleantouch Urdu To English Dictionary:
Clean-touch is the oldest and the most reputed name in providing English & Urdu dictionaries. Both 70,000+ English to Urdu and 80,000+ Urdu to English meanings have been presented in a simple language and straightforward style so that even the average reader encounters no difficulty in understanding the right meanings. It’s a unique dictionary based on latest Unicode technology, developed using power of Microsoft .NET platform. It has a simple and user friendly interface. It supports wildcard search & all the keyboard accessibility features of Microsoft Windows. Customization section let you configure functionality  fonts & themes. It can be installed on various Windows versions including Windows 7, Vista & XP even on low end systems.

تعليقان (2)

  1. Yahan to Easyrecovery Profesional ka link dia gia hai...urdu 2 eng dict: ka nahi...
  2. very nice and amazing post i hope this post Cleantouch English 2 Urdu & Urdu 2 English Dictionary (2nd & 4nd Edition) is become useful to increment and improvement your English language.
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